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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5252
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Charlie listened patiently, studying Master Vail for a while before shaking his head.

“Master Vail, as they say, a master’s order cannot be violated.

I suggest you don’t disappoint your too-true patriarchs.”

He looked at the time and said, “I have something to attend to.

I’m going on an incense trip to Hot Spring.

And since my car seems to be causing you trouble, you shouldn’t take it.

Take a taxi back to where you’re staying, and I’ll arrange for a plane later.

Someone will contact you.

Goodbye for now!”

Master Vail pleaded, “Please give me another chance to make things right!”

Charlie smiled.

“Don’t belittle yourself.

There’s nothing wrong with obeying your master’s orders.

I have to go now, but we can talk later.”

Master Vail couldn’t let Charlie leave like this.

If Charlie decided to turn his back on him, he would lose his remaining four meridians.

He pulled on the car door, tears and snot streaming down his face.

“Master Wade, please understand that cultivation is not easy.

I admit my mistake and beg for another chance.”

Charlie smiled slightly, “I’m sorry, but I can’t give you another chance.

But it’s just four meridians.

Meditate and work hard, and in thirty or fifty years, you’ll break through.”

Master Vail choked up, “Master Wade, in this situation, how can I wait thirty or fifty years to open my meridians?”

Charlie didn’t want to continue the conversation.

He spoke firmly, “Master Vail, close my car door.

I’m leaving.

Thank you…”

Master Vail closed the car door subconsciously.

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Charlie didn’t wait for him to react, he pressed down on the accelerator and drove away.

As Charlie disappeared from view, Master Vail came back to his senses and shouted after him, “Master Wade!

Master Wade, you can’t just leave me here, Master Wade!”

But Charlie paid him no heed, and the car disappeared from sight.

Master Vail tried to chase after him for a few hundred meters, but he couldn’t keep up.

He collapsed on the ground, sobbing.

“Master Wade, your grandma and I were good friends.

No matter what, I’m still your elder.

Don’t treat me like this!”

But Charlie paid no attention to his cries.

He was already on his way to Elys-Champ Hot Springs.

In reality, Charlie had a plan for Master Vail.

He wanted to make him a teacher at Elys-Champ Hot Springs and help him perfect his martial arts mentality, or

even give him a new one.

Master Vail could then teach the Elms family and the young warriors with potential in the Dragon Temple.

If he did well, Charlie promised to help him break through the dark realm and become a master in a short time.

However, Charlie didn’t expect Master Vail to have so many ulterior motives.

He wasn’t sure whether the teacher’s mentality he promised to reveal was for the greater good or for his own

personal gain.

And Master Vail’s attitude as a slave with two surnames was unworthy of Charlie’s trust and support.

Therefore, Charlie believed he had to subdue Master Vail completely.

Otherwise, his underlying motives would always be a threat to Charlie’s plans.

It was easy for Charlie to seal his four meridians with reiki.

Unblocking the meridians was troublesome, but blocking them was simple.

Blocking Master Vail’s meridians with reiki was like building a 10-kilometer tunnel.

It required a massive amount of work, manpower, and resources.

But unblocking the meridians would be as easy as piling up a truckload of earthwork at the entrance of the tunnel.

The most interesting thing was that Charlie had blocked Master Vail’s meridians with reiki, despite there being no

reiki in Master Vail’s body.

Reiki was like a blow that reduced dimensionality and Master Vail had no defense against it.

Master Vail was completely unaware of the severity of the situation.

Charlie had tricked him into thinking that he could still progress in his martial arts after 30 to 50 years, but in reality,

he had no chance of breaking through even one meridian in a hundred years.

Charlie had locked his potential with just a small amount of reiki, sealing his future in martial arts.

It was like going back 30 years in time, but even worse, because he was completely stuck at that level.

Master Vail was still trying to wrap his head around the situation, unaware of Charlie’s deception.

He knew that he couldn’t let Charlie leave without a solution.

Master Vail pondered for a moment, toying with the idea of calling upon Charlie’s wise grandmother to act as a

judge in his predicament.

But as the new year approached, he felt a sudden hesitation.

He couldn’t make such an impulsive move, not after Charlie had warned him that his true identity must remain a


Master Vail knew that if he acted recklessly and angered Charlie, the consequences could be dire.

His meridians could be sealed, or worse yet, he could lose his life at the hands of the powerful young man.

Feeling disheartened but determined, Master Vail knew that he needed to find a way to earn Charlie’s forgiveness.

Only then could he hope to restore his lost cultivation.

He remembered Charlie’s invitation to the Elys-Champ Hot Spring and immediately stood up, hailing a taxi on the

side of the road.

The taxi driver gawked at the sight of the old man dressed in Taoist robes.

Master Vail truly did look like a mystical creature straight out of a fairy tale.

As Master Vail climbed into the taxi, the driver greeted him with the utmost respect.

“Where can I take you, Master?” he asked.

“I’m heading to the Elys-Champ Hot Spring,” replied Master Vail calmly.

“The hot spring? That’s an interesting choice for an old man like you,” remarked the driver, puzzled by the Taoist’s


Before Master Vail could explain, he had an idea.

“Actually, the Elys-Champ Hot Springs Villa is closed for renovations.

If you’re looking for a place to soak, let me recommend another spot.”

Master Vail shook his head.

“I’m not going for a soak.

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I have other business to attend to.”

“Ah, I see,” chuckled the driver.

“With a wise man like you, it’s no surprise that you have more important matters to attend to than a simple hot

spring dip.”

Curious about the old man’s background, the taxi driver struck up a conversation.

“Do you often visit hot springs, Taoist priest? And which temple do you reside in? My mother is quite devout and she

frequents the Tianhou Palace to burn incense.”

Master Vail nodded politely.

“I’m not from Aurous Hill.

In fact, my temple is located in the United States.”

The driver was taken aback.

“What? There are Taoist temples in the United States?”

Master Vail rolled his eyes at the driver’s ignorance.

“Just as there are churches in China,” he quipped.

The driver laughed, realizing his mistake.

“Of course, you’re right.

So, did you travel from China to preach in the United States a few years ago?”

Master Vail felt a twinge of embarrassment at the driver’s words.

“I’ve spent my life practicing, but I’ve never preached,” he confessed with a small smile.

The driver was quick to reassure him.

“I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the real deal.

You look like a serious Taoist priest, not a fake who tries to deceive people!”

Master Vail paid little attention to the driver’s praise.

Instead, he gazed out the window, lost in thought.

He remembered the long and arduous years of cultivation he had undergone in the United States.

He had traveled all this way to China, hoping to find new opportunities, only to end up regressing to a mere four-

star martial artist in just two days.

The more he dwelled on it, the more aggrieved Master Vail became, and soon tears were streaming down his face.

Concerned, the driver turned to him.

“Master, why are you crying? Has someone done you wrong?”

About The Charismatic Charlie Wade -