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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4656
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"That is correct.

At one point, | was indeed a god of chaos,"

Flora replied as she nodded in confirmation.

"But that was in the past.

Now, | almost depleted my energy,"

she continued in a dejected tone.

"Miss Flora, what on earth happened to you?

And is there anything that | can do to help you out?"

Austin's gaze softened as he asked.

"You can't help me," she replied with a shake of her head.

"You are amazing. Not everyone acquires such impressive powers at a young age like you.

However, you are no match for a god of chaos.

As such, there is nothing that you can do for me.

You should leave now.

Stay away from me

or, you will get into trouble," Flora warned.

When she glanced at Austin, her eyes glimmered with concern and hesitance.

"Miss Flora, it is true that I'm still very weak.

But | will grow stronger.

Perhaps | can help you then,"

Austin persisted.

"You do have great potential.

It is also possible that one day you might even have the chance to reach the ultimate stage.

But, you still have a long way to go.

When you reach that level, you can return to me.

For now, it is best that you leave as soon as possible.

The longer you stay here, the more likely it is that you will be discovered.

If that happens, you wouldn't be able to leave even if you wanted to,"

Flora advised him, her tone filled with urgency.


Austin nodded after considering the matter.

He could see that Flora was right. Even though he was at the bottom of the abyss, he could feel a horrible, mysterious force

coming at him from all directions. The mysterious force was so intense and overwhelming that Austin struggled to stand straight.

Considering the power emitted, he guessed that a god of chaos had left the force.

After all, a governing god's strength wouldn't have such an effect on him.

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But in front of a god of chaos, Austin was as weak as an ant.

"Miss Flora,

| shall take your advice and leave now.

However, | will return when | am strong enough to assist you.

At that time, | will find a way to help you get out of this,"

Austin reassured Flora.

"That's very kind of you.

| hope that day will come."

Flora sighed softly. Even though hope surged within her, she suppressed it. It would not benefit her in the slightest if she began to

feel optimistic.

"Trust me. | will make that happen."

Austin saw hope sparkle in her eyes for a brief moment before they turned dull with resignation. He knew that she wanted to

believe him, but perhaps, the helplessness of the situation prevented her from doing so. He needed her to feel more confident.

"Fine. I'll wait for you."

Finally, Flora flashed him a smile.

"Miss Flora, take good care of yourself."

Austin gazed at her tenderly before he turned to find his way out of the abyss.

After a while,

he walked out of the abyss.

"Miss Flora, don't worry. | will keep my word,"

Austin murmured, with a glance of determination at the abyss's exit.

Then he activated his bodily movement skill and flew away.

Flora stood still at the bottom of the abyss.

"He's an interesting little guy," she said softly.

Soon enough, Austin left the Longevity Valley.

Once outside the valley, he teleported the gnand the Eight Stone Saints out of his human world.

"What is your plan? Do you intend to stay in this supruniverse to strengthen yourselves?"

Austin asked them.

"We've already explored every inch of this supruniverse.

If we continue to stay here, our strength won't increase by much.

We will return with you,"

Asa offered after a brief moment of contemplation.

The gnnodded as well. He had decided that it was more beneficial to accompany Austin.

"All right, then. Let's get going,"

Austin instructed.

Then, he took out a jade slip.

"Sirs, we plan to return home," he communicated to the two evil beasts through it.

The two evil beasts guarded the gateway to the supruniverse.

In a matter of seconds, one of the two evil beasts traveled through the gateway and appeared beside them.

"Sir, thank you for taking care of us and training us for all these years!"

As soon as the gnand the Eight Stone Saints saw the evil beast, they bowed before it respectfully.

These two evil beasts had brought the gnand the Eight Stone Saints into this supruniverse so that they could gain

experience and improve their strength.

Moreover, these two evil beasts had helped them during their stay in the supruniverse.

If it weren't for them, the gnand Eight Stone Saints would not have survived until now.

"Ha-ha! Don't mention it.

We were destined to meet."

The evil beast smiled.

"Con. I'm getting you out of here," it continued.

The evil beast released a teleportation force, which enveloped Austin and his companions.

Just before they were teleported away, Conor turned to look at the supruniverse. He was a bit reluctant to leave since the

universe had been his hfor hundreds of years.

"I will visit often in the future," he said.

"You're right.

We can visit once we are free,"

the other members of the Eight Stone Saints said.

Soon, they left the supruniverse.

Moments later, they found themselves outside the palace's entrance.

The other evil beast crouched beside the gate.

The gnand the Eight Stone Saints cforward, bowed before it, and expressed their gratitude.

The two evil beasts had helped them tremendously.

Back then, if the two evil beasts hadn't sent them into the supruniverse inside the stone wall, the gnand the Eight Stone

Saints wouldn't have becas powerful as governing gods in a few hundred years.

"It was fated to be this way,"

the evil beast responded as it smiled at them.

"Shall we return to the three thousand big and small universes?

It has been rebuilt, and its overall strength has increased as well,"

Austin suggested to the Eight Stone Saints and the gnome.

"Is that so? It wouldn't hurt to return and have a look."

Asa seemed pleased with the suggestion.

Since no one had objected, Austin walked out of the Divine Tomb together with his companions with the intention of returning to

the three thousand big and small universes.

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The instant the group set foot in the three thousand big and small universes, Kevin appeared and smiled warmly at them as he

welcomed them.

"Gnome, Eight Stone Saints, you are finally back!" he gushed, looking surprised.

"Can we explore the three thousand big and small universes now?" the Eight Stone Saints shouted in unison.

Excitement glimmered in their eyes as they couldn't contain their joy.

Without waiting for Kevin to reply, they split up and strolled around the three thousand big and small universes.

Since the three thousand big and small universes was their hometown, they had many acquaintances here. The prospect of finally

reuniting with friends left them overjoyed.

"Where is Violet?"

the gnasked, expectantly.

"She has been cultivating in seclusion all these years,"

Austin replied.

"What about divine silkworm?"

the gncontinued with a frown. He had hoped to catch up with sfriends, but now it seemed as though he would have to

wait a while longer.

"He began to cultivate in seclusion just before Violet.

He has been in a deep slumber since,"

Austin replied patiently.

"Sleeping is a cultivation method for divine silkworms.

| guess he will not wake until he comes out of the cocoon," the gnresponded with a thoughtful nod.

He then walked away, as well.

Austin, on the other hand, headed straight for where the Divine Being's World was located.

"I need to find a way to get into the Divine Being's World," he murmured to himself.

He then unleashed his spiritual sense to check the depths of the chaotic void.

A smile tugged at the corners of Austin's lips when he found that there was a suprworld hidden in that area.

That suprworld was the Divine Being's World.

And Austin knew many people in the Divine Being's World.

The little infinity beast was also there.

Austin had always wanted to enter the Divine Being's World and search for the little infinity beast.





